Jungle Juice Pennacool
Jungle Juice Pennacools have a "secret ingredient" that can get almost any party started... BOOZE!
Chantall London is the mastermind of Jungle Juice Pennacool. A part-time student/entrepreneur, she was inspired to create these pennacools while managing her main business, "London Girlz", an event promotion agency.
Jungle Juice currently offers 3 flavors of pennacools; Sorrel, Orange-Pineapple and Fruit Punch. All mixed with alcohol and filled with chunks of fruit. She also offers customized pennacools with different fruits and without alcohol.
Jungle Juice Pennacools can definitely be the "coolest" feature of your next party!
To Place Orders:
Call - 868-350-7085 / 293-0482
Email - londongirlz868@gmail.com
Follow - @londongirlz868