How To Make Trini Tamarind Chutney
Yield: 18 - 20 Ounces
1 Lb Fresh Tamarind (About 12 - 14 pieces)
5 Cloves of Garlic, finely minced
4 Cups Water
2 Tsp Salt
½ Tsp Amchar Masala
2 Tbsp Green Seasoning
1 ¼ Cups Brown Sugar
2 Tsp Minced Chadon Beni (Culantro)
Break the shells of the tamarind to reveal the inner fruit. Remove any of the woody veins that run across the fruit and discard shells. Place fruit into a clean bowl and wash to remove any cracked shell debris.
Place a medium sauce pan over high heat and add the water, garlic, cleaned tamarind fruit, salt, amchar masala, green seasoning and brown sugar.
3. Cover, bring to a boil then reduce to a simmer to cook for 15 minutes.
Using a swizzle stick, vigorously swizzle the tamarind in the hot liquid to remove the pulp from the fruit. Continue doing this until the all the fruit breaks apart and thickens the liquid. This may take about 5 – 6 minutes.
Continue to simmer the tamarind sauce for an additional 12 - 15 minutes to allow the tamarind liquid to reduce by half.
At this point, you can strain the tamarind liquid to get rid of the seeds and minimal fibers and return the tamarind liquid back to the pot. (The straining is purely optional)
Be sure to taste the sauce, and depending on how sour the fruit is; you may need to add more sugar to sweeten it up a bit. You are looking for a balanced flavor of sweet and tart with enough savoriness from the salt.
Once consistency of the sauce has thickened and evaporated by half, add the minced chadon beni in and stir to combine.
Remove the tamarind chutney from the stove and let cool.
Use this sauce as an accompaniment to Pholourie, Saltfish Accra or even as a great sauce for Fried Fish.