Moreish Plantain Saltfish Fritters Recipe by Chef Shaun 🇹🇹 Foodie Nation
Pepper Sauce Recipe:
Yield – 6 to 8 Servings
Ripe Plantain – 1 lb (boiled and mashed)
Salted Cod – 4 oz (boiled and flaked)
AP Flour – 1 ½ cups
Salt – ¾ tsp
Black Pepper – ½ tbsp
Onion Powder – ¾ tsp
Garlic Powder – ¾ tsp
Instant Yeast – ½ tbsp
Diced Onion – ½ cup
Diced Pimento – ¼ cup
Chopped Chive – ½ cup
Water – ¾ cup tp 1 cup
1. Add all your ingredients into a bowl.
2. Mix into a thick batter.
3. Cover and allow to rest for 1 hour.
4. Preheat your oil to 350F.
5. Spoon into oil and fry until they are golden brown and crispy.
6. Enjoy!
Tamarind Sauce
Tamarind Pulp – 8 oz
Water – 2 cups
Brown Sugar – ½ cup
Minced Garlic – 2 tbsp
Pepper Sauce – 1 tbsp or to taste
Chopped Chadon Beni – ¼ cup
Salt – 1 tsp or to taste
1. Add tamarind and water to your small saucepan.
2. Bring to a boil.
3. Strain to remove seeds.
4. Return to your pot, add remaining ingredients.
5. Bring to a boil before reducing to a simmer and allowing your mixture to thicken to your desired consistency (about 15 minutes).
6. Enjoy!