Trini Stew Smoked Herring Recipe by Chef Jeremy Lovell
Yield - serves 6
Cook time: Approx. 1hr
Prep time – 30min
Boneless smoke herring– 3lb (boiled and shredded)
Seasonings mix:
Pimento peppers – 3tbsp (finely chopped)
Garlic peeled – 3tbsp (finely chopped)
Chadon beni – 3tbsp (finely chopped)
Onion chopped – 2tbsp (finely chopped)
Thyme chopped – 2tbsp (finely chopped)
Chive chopped – 3tbsp (finely chopped)
Tomatoes – 4oz (cut into large cubes)
Sweet peppers – 4oz (cut into large cubes)
Mustard – 1tbsp
Salt to taste
Black pepper – 2tbsp
Vegetable oil – 2oz
Cooking of smoke herring:
Using a large saute pan, place on stove and turn on heat, and add oil.
When oil is hot, add all other ingredients under seasoning mix and stir, let cook for 5mins.
Add smoke herring and stir. Let cook for a further 10 mins.
Once all ingredients are cooked turn off heat and serve.
